Friday, April 30, 2010

Father Panther.

Last night I was walking my dog with my brother. Before we got to the house I placed my keys on the grass in the yard. After we walked a few more yards I saw the family of black panthers that lives outside. I ran to the door, remembering I had set my keys down but hoping the door would be unlocked. It was. I yelled for my brother as we ran inside, but the dog got away. The male lives to hunt him. I ran to the back of the house and called the dog over, he was laying in the grass and as he looked over to me he saw the panther and got scared. I ran to him and grabbed his collar but he was scared and would not move. I knew this was all a dream and I could wake up if I wanted to but I wanted him to be safe. The panther charged us and I pulled the dog so hard he had no choice but to come with me. I slammed the door as the panther hit it. The last thing I saw were his green eyes and I remembered I could wake up again. I keep having nightmares about the family of black panthers that lives outside my parents house.